-Marta Tandori, Being Sam, No Matter What
I don't usually read young adult novels, but I always promise read and review a book by any author that follows me on Twitter. Marta Tandori followed me on Twitter a while ago, and I finally was able to read one of her books. The book I chose was Being Sam, No Matter What. She was a knew author to me, so I really just chose the book at random.
Sam Pacepa started her seventh grade year just a few weeks ago, but Sam isn't the average seventh grader. Sam and her family are immigrants that moved to Canada when Sam was very young. Her parents have very strict rules for her and her siblings. While most of her friends get to have sleepovers and wear jeans, Sam doesn't.
Her homeroom teacher announces that the class would be taking an overnight trip to Niagara Falls. Sam knows that she won't be able to go, not with her parents' rules. Her friends really want her to go, but how will she convince her parents?
To be honest, the book didn't grab my attention in the beginning. It was a little slow, but I had to remember that it was a young adult novel. Towards the end, however, there were several plot twists that spiced things up a bit. I just wish they didn't happen all at once.
There was one thing that stood out to me, that I just couldn't get over. I understand that at the age of 12, a girl starting her period is a big deal. That can be revealed in a novel, sure, but not with onomatopoeia. The word, "plop" has probably scarred me for life. I really don't think it was supposed to be a big deal, but I couldn't get passed it.
It really wasn't a terrible book, but it's not something that sparks my interest. If you are a very young reader, I would suggest it. It's an easy read with struggles that a lot of young girls go through. I just don't think it's a book that someone 15 or older would enjoy.
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